Glutenfree Gingerbread cookies - Glutenfria Pepparkakor
Yes, these cookies are both gluten free and refined sugar free, BUT they are still sweet (as cookies should be), so we wouldn't recommend you to eat the full batch in once even though it's very tempting, because that's not healthy for anyone. They ARE healthy too though, containing chikpea flour and almond flour and sweetend with coconut sugar and agave syrup which gives a crispy, caramelly taste! You have to try these.
Gingerbread cookies
1/3 cup almond flour
1 cup chickpea flour
2 tbsp cinnamon, 2-3 tsp ground ginger, 1 1/2 tsp ground cloves, 1 tsp ground bitter orange peel,1 tsp ground cardamom,1 tsp pounded cardamom.
2 tbsp psyllium husk
1/2 tsp bicarbonate
1 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
1/3 cup coconut sugar
3 tbsp agave syrup
3 tbsp coconut oil
a pinch of sea salt
Mix all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. Melt coconut sugar, coconut oil and avave syrup in a pot. Combine everything to a compact dough and put in te fridge for about 1 hour. Tuck out the dough very thin and use cookie frames to cut out the cookies. OR let the dough be in the fridge for a couple of hours until it's very "hard", then use a mandolin to get super thin cookies (they are actually the best!). Bake the cookies on a tray with baking sheet in the oven on about 200 C degrees for about 2-6 minutes depending on the thickness of the cookies. Let cool before eating.
Yes, these cookies are both gluten free and refined sugar free, BUT they are still sweet (as cookies should be), so we wouldn't recommend you to eat the full batch in once even though it's very tempting, because that's not healthy for anyone. They ARE healthy too though, containing chikpea flour and almond flour and sweetend with coconut sugar and agave syrup which gives a crispy, caramelly taste! You have to try these.
Gingerbread cookies
1/3 cup almond flour
1 cup chickpea flour
2 tbsp cinnamon, 2-3 tsp ground ginger, 1 1/2 tsp ground cloves, 1 tsp ground bitter orange peel,1 tsp ground cardamom,1 tsp pounded cardamom.
2 tbsp psyllium husk
1/2 tsp bicarbonate
1 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
1/3 cup coconut sugar
3 tbsp agave syrup
3 tbsp coconut oil
a pinch of sea salt
Mix all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. Melt coconut sugar, coconut oil and avave syrup in a pot. Combine everything to a compact dough and put in te fridge for about 1 hour. Tuck out the dough very thin and use cookie frames to cut out the cookies. OR let the dough be in the fridge for a couple of hours until it's very "hard", then use a mandolin to get super thin cookies (they are actually the best!). Bake the cookies on a tray with baking sheet in the oven on about 200 C degrees for about 2-6 minutes depending on the thickness of the cookies. Let cool before eating.
Ja dessa är både glutenfria och vitt sockerfria, men är såklart inte kalorifria om någon skulle få för sig att tro det. Det är ju trots allt kakor! Men för all del, vräk i dig hela satsen om du känner för det, de innehåller ju både mandlar och kikärtor.. Inget vi skulle rekommendera dock även om de är förbannat goda. Kokossockret gör de extra krispiga och lite karamelliga! Ni måste verkligen prova dessa...
1 dl mandelmjöl
3 dl kikärtsmjöl
2 msk kanel, 2-3 tsk ingefära, 1,5 tsk nejlika, 1 tsk pomerans, 1 tsk kardemumma, 1 tsk stött kardemumma
2 msk fiberhusk
1/2 tsk bikarbonat
1,5 msk äppelmos
1 dl kokossocker
1/2 dl agavesirap
3 rågade msk kokosolja
en nypa havssalt
Blanda alla torra ingredienser. Smält kokossocker, kokosolja och agavesirap i en kastrull. Rör sedan ihop alltsammans till en deglkump. Låt kallna i kylen en stund, eller i några timmar, beroende på hur du vill göra dina kakor. Antingen kavlar du ut degen riktigt tunnt och stansar ut pepparkakor med pepparkaksformar eller öppningen på ett glas, ELLER så tar du den riktigt kalla degen och mandolinerar supertunna kakor! De blir riktigt krispiga och goda. Grädda i ugnen på 200 grader i ca 2-6 minuter beroende på tjocklek. Låt kallan innan de äts.